Summer Salad perfection

As Summer begins, we get wrapped into our favourite seasonal stars: corn on the cob, barbecues and... salads. Good old salads.

They're a great, speedy Summer standby. But by the end of the season you can be feeling pretty ho-hum about the same old garden salad. So how do you take it from a  side dish to a main meal that’ll keep the whole family interested?

We think we might just have found the perfect salad equation to suit everyone, time after time.

Step 1 – Quick cook beautifully succulent, lean NZ pork

Step 2 - Add egg to create the salad equivalent of fried rice

Step 2 – Throw in a moreish noodle base

Step 3- Add the quickest, most delicious dressing you’ve ever made (trust us, it tastes just like your favourite store bought pad thai)

Step 4 – Toss in some crunchy, family-friendly salad vegetables

Step 5- Sprinkle with a little peanut

Voila! You''ve got pork pad thai salad. On the table in less than 30 minutes and it's a hit across all age groups!

Find the full recipe here.

And if you like this one, you'll love our other midweek meal makeover recipes - we're transforming the mediocre to magic with succulent New Zealand pork.